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I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, 2021

"I feel like a dancer, a choreographer, a pianist" is a complex of works created in 2020/2021 during the lockdown. The resulting drawings are the result of an intensive examination of complex processes of reception and transfer. and are understood as seismographic traces of these processes.

Katja Pudor, I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, 2021, Video, Duration: 15:42 min
To Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 26 (1810), with a recording with Daniel Barenboim (2020)
5. Mai, 2021, 20 various graphite pencils on paper, 50 cm x 70 cm

"Katja Pudor's drawings are gestural. They do not imitate anything - nothing that we can identify from the drawings. The impulse comes from hearing, not from seeing.
In recent drawings, she refers to both music and texts that are important to her. She listens to both again and again before she begins to draw. From concentrated listening,
she translates perception and sensation into drawing. It takes as long as the performers need. The translation process is a mental as well as physical process, which is decisively shaped by material, format and posture. Katja Pudor gives precise details of how and under what circumstances a drawing came into being. She shows it in photos and videos. Drawing for her is a conceptually explorative as well as physical matter. Both are part of an act that involves the whole body.
The Beethoven drawings were made synchronously with listening to the piano sonatas 1-8 and four others chosen more freely. As with the pianist, usually Igor Levit or Daniel Barenboim, both hands were used. For each sonata there are two-handed works in a fixed order. First, the artist approaches the piece lying on her back. In doing so, she passes pencils over A4 or A3 sheets of paper that lie to the left and right of her body. Sitting at the table, she then works in a format of 80 x 150 cm and, in a third approach, standing
in a format of 240 x 150 cm. From the first, blind sketching while lying down, Pudor changes posture. Even at the table she closes her eyes or looks over the sheet. The paper format in front of her is roughly the size of a grand piano. The situation of the draftswoman mirrors that of the performer at his instrument. Katja Pudor listens to the music through headphones and guides the pencils over the paper with both hands. The vibration of the sound triggers the movements like in a dance, like a dancer she follows both,
the music and her body. She controls what she does, not with her eyes. The hand-eye coordination is interrupted, but the hand, trained by repetition, controls her gestures. Listening, remembering, translating - that's what it's all about - not a purely spontaneous improvisation."

Dr. Ines Lindner, from the text for the publication "Katja Pudor, I feel like a dancer, a choreographer, a pianist", Revolver publishing, 2021

I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, Performance, Zeichnung, Katja Pudor
Katja Pudor, I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, 2021, Video still, Duration: 22 min
To Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No.2 (1795), with a recording with Daniel Barenboim (2020), Duration: 22 min
11. February 2021, 20 various graphite pencils on paper, 50 cm x 70 cm

I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, Performance, Zeichnung, Katja Pudor
Katja Pudor, I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, 2021
To Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No.8 (1799), with a recording with Daniel Barenboim (2020), Duration: 18 min
8. April 2021, 20 various graphite pencils on paper, right and left hand, graphite pencils on paper, 42 cm x 29.7 cm

I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, Performance, Zeichnung, Katja Pudor
Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 2 (1795), 2021, duration: 22 min, right and left hand, ball point pen on paper, 29.7 cm x 42 cm

I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, Performance, Zeichnung, Katja Pudor
Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata No. 2 (1795), 2021, duration: 22 min, right and left hand, ball point pen on paper, 29.7 cm x 42 cm

Exhibition view from the solo show I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist
alte feuerwache, projektraum, Berlin, 2021

I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, Performance, Zeichnung, Katja Pudor I Feel Like A Dancer, A Choreographer, A Pianist, Performance, Zeichnung, Katja Pudor